Wednesday, October 7, 2020 12:04 PM

The Kata Foundation prepares LEAPS II

Operating funds for the next two years have been secured

Children in LEAPS learning process

Children in LEAPS learning process

Kata Foundation

At its most recent board meeting, Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation donated 5.8 million DDK to the Kata Foundation to assist with its running expenses over the next two years. The Kata Foundation can now further develop its LEAPS initiative. The Kata Foundation’s aim is to promote pedagogical tools to help with committed project-based learning. 

The Kata Foundation is a non-profit foundation which, since 2006, has had its focus on facilitating new knowledge about learning with an emphasis on children’s engagement in school – in particular within the sciences.

Several substantial LEAPS-projects were initiated and piloted in four schools in Denmark in 2016. The central point for the schools’ participation was that they committed themselves to taking part in the project for 5 years. This would ensure that they had the necessary time to incorporate new and engaging educational methods in their teaching. The results from the first 5-year period – known as LEAPS I – look promising and demonstrate that the participating students are becoming more engaged in their own learning, and that this can reduce absence at the schools.

The next step is LEAPS II, which will now take place with the support from Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation. The aim will be to increase the number of participating schools from 4 to 10-12 as well as building on the positive results from LEAPS I. In addition, the model for LEAPS will become scalable so that even more schools can participate.     

For further information about The Kata Foundation and LEAPS, follow the link below:


Kata foundation