
Centre for industrial mechanics

Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation is contributing towards the education of mechanical engineers who are interested in sustainable solutions.

The Centre for Industrial Mechanics (CIM) provides new educational programmes within the field of mechanics at Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and PhD levels. In addition, the Centre provides unique laboratory facilities as well as a research unit of international quality.  

The Centre is the result of the co-operation between Syd Dansk Universitet (SDU - South Danish University), Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation, LINAK, Region Syddanmark (Region of Southern Denmark) and Sønderborg Municipality. It will provide research opportunities, new laboratories, and engineering degrees within this area. The total investment will amount to in excess of 93 million DDK until 2030. 

The parties formed the CIM with the view to remedy the lack of engineers, engineers who can take the lead in the green conversion and help businesses maintain production in Denmark. Despite an increase in engineering degrees in the country in recent years, it is still expected that Denmark will be facing a huge shortage of highly educated technological workers in 2025 and beyond. In particular there will be a lack of engineers who can contribute towards sustainable solutions.

CIM will be helping to strengthen the knowledge and the delivery system for items such as electric cars, windmills, and robots.

Success grows success

It is not the first time that Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation has been involved in securing skilled engineers for the area. In October 2019, the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) was opened in buildings financed by the Foundation and LINAK.  

The education provided by CIE has very quickly established itself as a beacon within power electronics. It has proved what public bodies such as Region Syddanmark, Sønderborg Municipality and SDU can achieve in co-operation with global businesses such as Danfoss and LINAK.

There are unique opportunities for synergies between the two education centres, CIM and CIE. CIM is developing research facilities, like CIE, and will form an internationally renowned research group of 30+ staff towards 2030. This will secure access for business to research-based knowledge. Danfoss will benefit from this as a business focusing on energy technology demand, know-how and having engineers with exactly this specialism.    

Read more about CIM on the homepage of Syddansk Universitet by clicking on the link below:

Center for Industrial Mechanics