
Manufacturer Mads Clausen's Foundation

Manufacturer Mads Clausen's Foundation provides financial support to charitable causes.

Manufacturer Mads Clausen's Foundation was established in 1960 and provides financial support for charitable causes. Over the years, the Foundation has given significant support to many different causes, including donations to schools in Pakistan, to cancer funds in Denmark and provided money for an ultrasound scanner at a hospital in Slovenia.

Mads Clausen, the founder of Danfoss, donated the original capital to this Foundation, which was later supplemented by donations from Danfoss and Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation.

The charitable support can be divided into the following categories: 

  • Research and Education
  • Sport and Leisure
  • Hospitals, Institutions and Health
  • Art and Culture

Click on the link below to read more about Manufacturer Mads Clausen's Foundation on the Danfoss website. 

Manufacturer Mads Clausen's Foundation