Back in 2016, the Foundation, together with Sønderborg Municipality and Linak, founded the development company Udviklingsselskabet Nordals Ferieresort. Over a three-year period, the company developed a master plan and a business plan for an attractive resort. In July 2019, it was announced that Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation, together with Linak Holding and Sønderborg Municipality, would invest in the realization of the resort.
The total area of the resort is approx. 180 hectares, located between the Universe Science Park and the beach Havnbjerg Strand on the coast of the Little Belt (Lillebælt).

Construction of the Nordborg Resort 2023
With 440 new sustainable holiday homes in a unique location with views and access to forest and beach, Nordborg Resort will be one of a kind. It will feature a tropical water park, restaurants, nature experiences, learning and a huge beach area with a promenade and sea pool. Together with the other investors, Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation has secured the financing for the new resort. The holiday homes and the water park are scheduled to open in the spring of 2024.
All buildings will blend into the landscape, which today mainly consists of farmland. Everything is created with a focus on sustainability and ensuring the lowest possible energy consumption. In addition to this, new woods will be planted, footpaths and lakes will be created and untouched natural areas will be protected.
The resort is expected to attract more than 200,000 tourists to Als annually and create around 300 new jobs. On top of this, there will be a large number of jobs for local and regional craftsmen and contractors. The total investment is 1.3 billion kroner.

Construction of the Nordborg Resort
The then chairman of the board of Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation, Peter Clausen, was delighted that the project would become a reality.
We have invested in the Universe Science Park, so it is only natural for us to participate in the further development of the area. We can create a sustainable project in beautiful surroundings that will attract tourists from all over Denmark. But it is also expected that our German neighbours, for example from the Hamburg metropolitan area, as well as guests from the Netherlands, will look to Als when they plan their holidays. So, the potential is very big.
Peter M. Clausen
Linak Holding and Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation have established a joint company that will be the owner of the new resort. The daily operation and development of the new resort will be handled by Center Parcs, which have many years of experience with holiday resorts.
Sønderborg Municipality has invested 100 million kroner in the project, which among other things will ensure the establishment of a promenade along the beach facing the Little Belt (Lillebælt) and a brand-new sea pool, which will be a landmark on the coast and a focal point for water activities, sailing and experiences.
The idea of Nordborg Resort was born when the Danish Parliament in 2015 made it possible for municipalities to apply for exemptions for the construction of holiday homes in coastal zones. Sønderborg Municipality applied for and received one of 10 pre-approvals in 2016, after which the municipality invested 12 million kroner and Bitten & Mads Clausen's Foundation and Linak each invested 6 million kroner in a development company for the project.
You can read more about the Nordborg Resort on the website by following the link below: